Sunday, November 2, 2008

GPS System

Find Your Way to the Right GPS System

When it comes to buying a GPS system, you need to know what you are looking for; then you'll be much more likely to know when you've found it. The right GPS system for you depends on what you need the GPS system for and how you plan to use it.

How Do You Plan to Mark Your Spot?

Finding the right GPS system primarily depends on how you plan to use it. Do you plan on using the device on foot, on a bike, or are you looking for a GPS tracking system to use while driving or boating? If you are looking for a GPS system to use while hiking or hunting, for example, then you may need to consider the weight of the device and whether or not it is weather-proof. If you choose a device that is too heavy and bulky, you may have difficulty carrying it, leading to frustration. Also, if you should experience bad weather, a weather proof GPS system would be essential. Finally, if you are seeking a handheld GPS system, make sure it contains the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) feature, allowing you to pinpoint your location to within ten feet of where you are standing. This can often be "spot on" for adventure seekers.

If you are looking for a GPS tracking system to use in your car, then weight and weather proof criteria do not apply. In this case, a large, bright display would be useful, with a street mapping feature for easy navigation. An external antenna compatibility will also allow you to pick up satellite signals with ease.

A Marine GPS system can be used while boating or deep sea fishing and can help you determine your exact coordinates. These types of devices are typically weatherproof, and should feature marine mapping and back tracking capabilities. An active sonar capability is another feature to consider, allowing you can determine what lies beneath the water, and where.

Essential Features for all Types of GPS Systems

There are some features that are essential no matter how you plan to use your device. The more channels or satellites a receiver can monitor, for example, the greater the accuracy you will get from your GPS system. Therefore, a 12 channel receiver system will allow you to receive the required number of signals in all types of terrain and even under heavy tree coverage. Powerful batteries and a long battery life are also critical. Finally, trans-reflective color screens are now available on several models, and are both easy to read in glaring sunlight and easy on battery life. Keeping all of these features in mind will lead you in the right direction to find the GPS tracking system that is right for you.

1 comment:

Navya said...

Now GPS plays an important role in our daily life.Thanks for sharing interesting topic.
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