Sunday, November 2, 2008


GPS, Today Is Still Not Accurate As It Should Be

Today, people are taking advantage of the many benefits that they can get by using GPS and in fact, the latest model automobiles are in fact, being equipped with GPS navigation systems and the time is also not far away when GPS navigation becomes common feature in every new automobile being sold in not only the US, but also in the rest of the world.

Increasing Popularity

Cell phone GPS is now becoming very popular and today, it allows you to, whenever you call the police or even fire department these authorities will be able to immediately know your location – thanks to these new devices. In fact, people now are actually taking this technology for granted – much in the same way that the Internet is also being taken for granted today.

It is interesting to note that this technology was first developed in the seventies and was at that time only being used by the military forces of the United States of America. In fact, even now the military (US) can cut off GPS access at any time that it so desires. What’s more, before this technology became so commonplace its civilian use was rather limited and it did not go beyond what can best be described as Selective Availability.

In any case, modern GPS systems involve using the approximate twenty-four different satellites (military) that are in orbit in space at an estimated altitude of about eleven thousand miles which ensures that at any given point of time a GPS receiver will receive its signals from a minimum of six satellites that will be providing service at any point in time. There are therefore four satellites that are spaced at equal intervals in six different orbital paths and any or all of these satellites can provide signals to earth throughout the day and night and weather conditions too will not affect the quality of its signals.

At present, latency is a major obstacle and downside to using a GPS system. The sad truth is that each of the six satellites that send signals to earth will be situated at various distances from your set and the satellites too will also be rotating around the earth at very high speeds and this in turn leads to lack of synchronization in signals being received by a particular GPS set.

A GPS device is an excellent means of keeping track of where you are and most of the modern devices come loaded with a number of GPS maps that will ensure that you never get lost. Unfortunately, today the GPS is still not quite as accurate as we would like and accuracy is in fact only at its highest when the device is not in motion and is still.

1 comment:

jemswillam's Blog said...

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth.
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